The reasons why

……. it will be alright on the night.  Momentum.

There’s a splendid tale, showcased on Yes Scotland, of a convert from the Cannae Dae It camp to the Ayes.  The full story was posted over at Better Nation, and you can read it here.

This is not just a story of one of the sought after Don’t Knows, this is a Labour Party activist.  She opened her eyes, from Iraq through behaviour at Holyrood, all that rampant negativity, opposing everything, blinkered, lost.  And she realised that yes is the only answer.

But there’s a way to go yet, though check out the latest instalment of FMQs:

And ask yourself – Who is it I view as a Leader of a Nation, and what powers would I like them to have?  That was a truly woeful, indeed deeply embarrasing perforance, from Labour’s Scottish leader. Keep an eye too on Westminster, and ask yourself If you would rather go in the direction of health and education south of the border, welfare, nuclear weapons, and so much more.  Or can we do better, given the chance?

And for all the reasons that Pauline Ward changed her mind, and many more beyond, I think I know who it can’t possibly be.  In fact if the leader of Scottish Labour were in charge of the local Brownie pack, I think I’d remove my daughter from her charge.  Leadership, I ask you!

And of course this is not the leader the party wanted, it’s the one the union vote put in place.  She is a member of Unite, which takes us back to Grangemouth, and Falkirk and all the mire surrounding the issues there, of which much more will be said no doubt.  And that is exactly what is happening, every day since I started putting these notes together.

But to attack the FM for sitting on his hands whilst the burners were switched off, possibly permanently, is just too ridiculous a position to hold.  Remember even The Herald recognised the value of the FM’s input in securing a future for the plant, securing jobs.  And Labour’s credibility sinks lower yet.

It is little wonder that Pauline Ward came to her decision.  And there are many more out there.  The message is getting across.  And with that Wings poll getting a good airing, even some of what has been an antagonistic media are slowly shifting.

Momentum – the stone is rolling, as the latest issue of Aye, from my friends at Yes Clydesdale confirms.

And if that’s not enough – Be Warned.  Trust no one, wearing a Better Together badge.


But there’s a treat in store this week, for fans of R4’s Any Questions.  It’s an Independence special and on the panel will be the often missing, mainly silent, ‘leader’ of Labour In Scotland, Johann Lamont.  #Her name is Jola, she is a showgirl, (with apologies to Mr Manilow).  Oh yes she’s been let out for the night, unchaperoned, thinking on the spot, unscripted.  It could be fun.  But you might just get more of this.  I think I’ll concentrate on what Ivan McKee of Business for Scotland has to say.  At least that will be positive, lucid and eloquent; and truthful.


Now, shipbuilding; oh where to start….

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